The System Zeoz: A First Class Solution For The World’s Fastest-Selling Brands

When people are looking to purchase a service or product, in the modern world, they’re likely to immediately turn to online search engines and virtual assistants. The problem is that the typical search engine or virtual assistant brings users to a list of possible SMEs that is open to interpretation. In order to improve upon the system, a new alternative is on the way that delivers an instant visual and audio notification of an end consumers ‘request for service’ to a dynamic list of on-demand SMEs based upon relevancy and location. All notified SME’s are immediately presented with the opportunity to listen to the end user’s request for service, and accept based upon the specifics of the request. Acceptance of the opportunity by the service provider triggers an instant intimation of interest to the end user, with an option for either party to immediately engage the other in real-time with two-way voice connectivity. Known as the System Zeoz, this has been heralded as the next big development in online search and commerce.


The system is currently being financed via the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter. The objective is to unite businesses and professionals who understand just how damaging disruption can be to those who ignore the importance of on-demand services in the “Uber Age”. Customers no longer want to wait to be assisted; they want it straightaway, and this could be the missing link that enables their requirements to be met.

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