The New Epidemic Of People Putting The Wrong Fuel In Their Car

Last year the AA released figures of the most common causes for automotive breakdowns in the UK. In the top 5 of the results was mis-fueling, i.e. putting petrol in a diesel car or diesel in a petrol car. This new type of wrong fuel breakdown is so common it currently happens every 4 minutes. So what do you do if you have put the wrong fuel in your car? Well First things first you need to contact help from a wrong fuel in car expert. Wrong Fuel Recovery have petrol in diesel car engineers on standby for when you make the mistake of putting the wrong fuel in your car. Its estimated that over 166,000 motorists make this mistake every year and it has taken the UK by storm. The problem was created when there was a sudden increase of diesel car popularity; this has caused many motorists to switch from petrol to diesel cars. The most important thing to remember if you have put the wrong fuel in your car is not to start the engine. This will avoid the fuel circulating the fuel system, which is what causes the damage to the vehicle. There have been reports of repair bills that go into the thousands to correct a wrongly filled vehicle. There are however many mobile wrong fuel specialists who will drain your vehicle on-site and get you back on the road as soon as possible. Wrong Fuel Recovery are the UK’s No1 wrong fuel in car experts, recovering thousands of motorists every year who have put the wrong fuel in their car.

You can contact them on the details bellow.

Wrong Fuel Recovery – 0800 772 3842.

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