Is It The Right Time To Invest In Properties Now?

Property is in no ways a manufacturing item that can easily be produced several times. The property has limited availability and therefore investors need to purchase it at the earliest. People generally make this blunder of waiting for the right time watching out for properties to invest in India and they end up waiting forever. In the end, they are forced into compromising on the location or the price of a property. Demonetization made way for a great future for the Indian property market. Experts in this field are of the view that property prices are likely to go down because of the cash flow getting critical in this market. Therefore, it can rightly be said that this is certainly the right time to invest in properties in India.

Reasons Why It would be advantageous in Invest in Properties Now

Post demonetization, property prices have started declining. The cash crunch on the part of the developers has forced them to negotiate on property prices with the buyers. The present is more apt for the ones who are on the lookout for resale properties. However, the ones buying new homes can also reap the greatest benefits. This is the right time for property buyers to look for properties to invest in India and especially the ones looking to buy property through home loans and accounted money. Some reasons why property seekers must invest in the Indian real estate at present are as follows:

Large Scale Buyer’s Market

The entire real estate market is completely bent towards offering the greatest investment opportunities and advantages to the property buyers. Until the market stabilizes, a majority of the developers shall be in requirement of cash flow with the buyers or property seekers having an upper hand when it comes to negotiating on the best property deals in the main property market of India.

Negotiable Prices on Offer

The main properties are generally purchased on home loans. Therefore, there would hardly be any impact of demonetization in this sector. However, there are certain things that would definitely change. Even those developers who are not involved in black money transactions and the ones who do not accept cash would be forced into selling their development projects at lower rates for keeping up with the present real estate market conditions. The developers might lose sales to competitors if they think of selling their projects at the old rates.

Increased Transparency

The property market in India is moving towards increased transparency. RERA or Real Estate Act has been brought into effect for regulating the property market. The act has made it obligatory to digitize all project information along with related documents. States have been asked to take up the responsibility of formulating their very own rules and implementing the same as soon as possible. If this is done in the right manner, there would hardly be any gaps between things promised and things delivered. The grievances of the property seekers and land disputes shall also get solved in no time at all.

So, if you are thinking of investing in properties in India then there can be no other better time than the present.

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