Managed Servers And Other Computing Services Are Easy To Find

When it comes to your computing services, such as cloud services and hosting services, there are a lot of companies for you to choose from. Of course, this doesn’t mean that all companies are alike. Whether you are searching for a company to provide expert technical advice, a wide variety of computing services, or a company that offers 24/7 support, it is a simple thing to do if you know what you’re looking for and what you need for your particular business. Of course, ascertaining your exact needs is an excellent first step and will save you money in the long run, because you can avoid paying for services you simply don’t need. Once you do know what you need, the next step is relatively easy.

What Computing Services Companies Offer

Companies that specialise in computer services usually include a variety of areas. After all, you won’t want to deal with one company for some of your computing needs and another company for the rest of them. You want a computer services company that offers one-stop shopping for all your computing needs, and you want those services provided at a reasonable price. Most computer services companies offer a variety of services that include:

  • Dedicated servers that include Windows, Linux and solid-state drive (SSD) servers
  • Cloud services for those businesses that need their computer systems to be up and running at all times
  • Virtual private hosting (VPS) services that include both Linux and Windows VPS
  • Colocation hosting services that are excellent for those businesses that have limited space and need to rely on outside secure data centres
  • Hosted services that include content delivery network (CDN) services, online backups and the most technologically advanced firewalls

With all services, computing services companies usually have various price packages, each offering something a little different. This is when knowing what your company’s needs come in handy. Each package is unique and fits certain businesses’ needs, so once you know what your needs are, you can easily choose the package that is right for you. In fact, most of these companies can accommodate any business, regardless of its size, so they can actually recommend something should you not know exactly what your business needs.

Data Centres Are Invaluable

Data centres are there to operate and house things such as servers of all types and all related equipment and infrastructure. Top companies with data centres offer high-speed Internet capabilities, backup generators, numerous uninterruptible power supplies, and round the clock site monitoring. Many companies also have humidity and temperature controls, more than one data centre, and a wide variety of features to make sure the centre is secure and that the servers are always performing at an optimal level.

When you choose managed hosting because you want your servers to be tended to by another company, you want a company that can handle all aspects of this important function. This includes load management, security updates, audits, management of your disk space, installation of your software and many others. It is also important that managed servers are located in your area. Companies such as CWCS’ managed servers are located in the UK, which is an added bonus when you’re looking for this type of service.

Different Packages Are Available

Just as a company’s services can be customised to fit your specific needs, they also offer different packages that allow you to get exactly what you want and need without going over your budget. Packages usually range from 12 to 24 threads, anywhere from eight to 64 GB, and HW RAID storage of 2 x 120GB SSD to 2 x 500GB SSD. These packages ensure that you are not paying for a function that your business does not need, and also allow for a more personalised package overall.

When it comes to price, most computer services companies are very reasonable. In fact, most of them have comprehensive online websites that allow you to obtain a free, no-obligation quote on any of their services. This is an excellent way to estimate how much their services will cost you, and if your business needs something not found online, most of these companies will work with you to give you exactly what you need. In other words, they can custom-make a package just for you.

Included in these packages are a variety of advantages, such as:

  • Upgrades of your hardware, which are usually done yearly and are free
  • Data migrations that are free, which make it easy to move your dedicated server
  • Unlimited amounts of data transfers on all servers
  • Data centres that are highly secure and ISO 27001-certified
  • Tech support 24/7 should something go wrong or you simply have a question

One of the many advantages of being ISO 27001-certified is that you can trust these companies to provide the ultimate in security. In fact, most companies realise just how important your data security is. They will do everything in their power to make sure all of your information is completely secure at all times, going above and beyond the certifications that are important to most customers. This provides extra peace of mind when choosing a computer services company for your server and hosting needs.

Finding the Company that Is Right for You

When looking for a computer services company, many things are important to consider – security, round the clock technical support, the proper certifications and all the services that you need for your business. Searching for these companies is simple if you go online, as most of their websites will include detailed descriptions of all of their services, a simple way to get a quote, testimonials from other customers and blogs with valuable information for readers. In fact, you can find out almost anything you need to know about a company by visiting its website, and there is always a simple method of contacting it should you need additional information not found on the site. Going online, therefore, is an excellent first step when choosing a computer services company for your business.

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