How To Make Your Sales Training Engaging And Fun

If you’re thinking about implementing sales training into your business, one of the things probably quite low down on your priorities is making the training course fun. But you should reconsider.

In fact one of the key factors that any sales training course needs to address is sales force motivation. A boring and uninspiring course will leave your sales staff unengaged and will be unlikely to bring the desired results. And sadly it’s all too easy for training providers to sit back and offer mundane, unimaginative courses, hoping that many businesses will just be satisfied with the certificates on the wall.

But this type of sales training will never yield results. 

Participants in sales training courses should be personally engaged and committed to the sessions, this way they will be far more likely to master the skills being taught and be able to implement them when back at work.

So how can a sales training course achieve this? 

  • The trainer should keep the training at a suitable pace for the participants. Too fast and you will lose candidates along the way, too slow and boredom is sure to set in.
  • Tailored to your business. In order for the sales training to be relevant and interesting, it needs to be tailored to the right business sector, product or service. This way, your sales team will be practising skills that can have an immediate impact on their targets. And this is guaranteed to inspire. Management should always be involved in the design of the course from the outset in order to ensure it meets the needs of the sales force.
  • Diverse activities. No one can stay active and awake during a whole day of sit down meetings, presentations or simply listening to a workshop leader impart their wisdom. To make a sales training course fun and engaging, there needs to be a good variety in the activities throughout the day, including warmers, recap sessions and practical activities. These should encourage participants to work with different partners and groups and involve some moving around the room, especially after the lunch break, during the traditional ‘afternoon slump.’
  • Practical exercises. All participants in a sales training course should be given the opportunity to try out the methods and techniques being taught. This consolidates learning and helps sales staff to feel more confident when implementing the new tactics.
  • Follow Up. A good sales training course is the first step to lifelong skill development. Follow up sales coaching should always be offered after participants have had a chance to take the training out into the field.
  • A workshop format is far more fun and engaging for all types of sales training than a lecture or classroom format. It should encourage skill sharing and promote team building as an integral part of skill teaching.

Your sales training course should be fun and inspire your sales team. And you’ll see the difference on your sales figures straightaway.

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