How To Build A Landing Page From A Scratch?

Most businesses tend to settle with landing pages that are ready-made. Well, if you do not have enough time, know-how team and expertise to create landing pages and can afford to constantly pay for services related to landing pages, then this one is the way to go.

So, why do you need to build a landing page of your own from scratch rather than hiring a landing page design company? Initially, this won’t cost you that much; you only have to spend some bucks for copywriting. There are so many other reasons why building landing page from scratch is much preferable.

How to get started?

How frequent have you suddenly develop an idea but is not sure of whether to pursue it or not? What are the factors which determine whether you should begin in that company, offer a certain service or build that individual product?

Well, the answer for all of this can be easily acquired through using a landing page. This can be the fastest way of testing an idea through involving the market in the decision making. And since you are doing business on the web, you can easily target your prospect audience and know whether your idea can go anywhere depending on the quantifiable data given.

Before building a landing page, it’s a must to have a clear goal in mind. Why do you want to build a landing page? Do you want to gather click-throughs or form submissions? Do you want sales or leads? The type of conversion you are looking for will determine the type of landing page you have to create.

There are three types of a landing page to suit your different goal. Lead generation page is for generation of warm leads, options page to provide a lead offer to customers in exchange for their contact information or email address and last is a webinar signup landing page which can be used to take sign ups and promote for your upcoming webinar.


“Content is the King” an old controversial adage which is followed by many. But regarding creating a landing page, content is not the only thing that matters. Good design has a great contribution on leaving a good impression to your potential customers.

But good design doesn’t always need to be flashy, fancy and colorful. Often, the minimalistic design does better. This almost always gives emphasis to the content, which this time is a sales copy.

What else do you need in creating landing page?

The sales copy is the hardest part of all types of a landing page. You have to grab the attention of your readers, cut the endless noise they are experiencing online and build a connection. The relationship you build must also be strong enough to elicit an action.

Your page also needs a CTA and value proposition. Contact Result Driven SEO today if you prefer it to be standard. You can include a description, headline and somehow a number or bullet list of the product’s benefits. But remember that it isn’t about the format, but rather in your product or service’s value communicated.

You must focus on the benefits rather than function. Customers don’t care about what you are doing but care about what they can get from you.

You must also give your visitors options. Remember that your visitors are not created equally, and so it needs different points in their buying cycle. You probably want your customer or visitor to locate the products you offer easily.

Final thoughts

The landing page you just created must serve as the entrance to your sales funnel, not just a door to a browsing experience. Each option you included must be an intentional clog, which attracts customers in the research phase, and push them to your funnel.

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