Lifestyle Changes That Will Make You A Better Entrepreneur


There is no thumb rule here. Some entrepreneurs love to burn the proverbial midnight oil. They cannot sleep early and wake up early to go for a jog. Some entrepreneurs love to work alone. They don’t find themselves at their productive best when they are surrounded by many people or when there is substantial distraction. At the same time, many entrepreneurs thrive in chaotic environments and in the midst of people while multitasking throughout the day.

As an entrepreneur, you must figure out what works for you and stick to it. You should not make lifestyle changes in accordance to what the world tells you is the standard and hence what is expected of you. However, you should ensure your health is not compromised and that you don’t miss out on some quintessential experiences in your life.

  • Have a routine, one that works for you. It is not healthy to work all the time. Most entrepreneurs have a natural tendency to think too much, to overdo and to be excessively involved in everything. It is good to be a hands-on entrepreneur but you cannot make yourself available all the time. You should decide how many hours you want to work and not stretch it beyond a point. You can work twelve hours or eight hours, ten hours or fifteen hours. Just be sure that you are not in a perpetual work mode.
  • Exercise every day. It doesn’t have to be a gym or a jog. It can be yoga or some unique workout routine. As long as you spend thirty minutes to an hour working out, sweating and indulging in serious physical activity, you should be sorted. You can work out for an hour at a stretch, you can go for two sessions of half an hour each or you may even split your hourly workout into four or five sessions if you cannot extract one session of a whole hour from your daily routine.
  • Always eat healthy. You don’t need to endorse some rare grain or exotic herb. You can eat normal foods that are widely available in your city or town. Eating at the right time is important, so are the servings and nutritional balance. Have small meals and healthy snacks every two to three hours and drink plenty of water to be at the prime of your health.
  • Take some time off whenever you feel exhausted. You don’t have to plan a weekend getaway or a holiday. Spending some time with your family and friends at your home or in your neighborhood can be rejuvenating enough. Make sure you have weekly offs and plan interesting activities so you can have some fun, unrelated to work.
  • Understand and accept the reality that you will be stressed, you will experience anxiety and hypertension, not everything will be in your hands and you will have a few major problems to handle at any given point in time. That is the life of an entrepreneur. You must learn to manage such stress, anxieties and hypertensions, without resorting to alcohol, smoking and other addictions.

About the Author

Morris Edwards is a content writer at, he writes different topics like Productivity Tips from Entrepreneurs,  Top Habits Of Successful Entrepreneursand all topics related to Singapore Business and Marketing. If you need Singapore Company Registration Services visit our website.

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