Things To Remember When Painting A Commercial Building

Painting a commercial business aids in appeal of your business, attracting new faces your way while establishing loyalty from consumers currently patronizing your facility.

Age, condition, and budget are factors without bearing on a commercial building paint job. Any commercial building is easily enhanced with a fresh coat of pain.

But, there are a few important tips to remember when painting the building to ensure you capture the essence of the facility and accomplish your goals.

The Right Color Palette

Before a paintbrush hits the exterior of your building, ensure the proper color pallet is selected. Larger buildings look best with neutral colors, as they complement the logos and signs you’re using. For accent pieces, a bold color works wonderfully to enhance the neutral colors.

What’s the Building Materials?

What materials is the building constructed from? The building material is yet another important consideration because some materials may require a specific type of paint. Wood material is easier to paint than other materials, but also requires different paint than a concrete building or stucco.

The Building Surroundings

Is the parking lot of the facility small? Darker colors on the building prevent it from looking oversized. What type of services are offered inside your commercial building? Some businesses are expected to maintain a professional look at all times, while others can experiment and have a little fun with their color choices.

Also, if your commercial building is located within a historic community, keep this in mind because you may be unable to perform the specifics that you desire.

If you lease your building, check with the owners to find out the architectural standards they must adhere to and the actions that you can take to update the facility.

If you are the property owner, ensure that you are aware of the architectural standards ahead of time. You can place a call to the historical neighborhood society in the local area to learn what is and is not allowed when painting a historical building.

Choose the Right Commercial Painter

DIY painting is ideal for some facilities, however, when painting a larger commercial building, it is best that the job be left to the pros to handle. Choosing a commercial painter qualified for the job is important, however, so do not rush into the selection process and choose the wrong serviceman for your job.

When searching for a commercial painter, search for a licensed, insured company backed by experience and expertise. A painting company with a good reputation offers peace of mind when it is needed the most.

Request estimates after finding three to four company meeting these expectations, learning which of the companies offers the best rates for the job. Choose a company specializing in commercial painting, who also offers a versatile mix of paint colors and options for you to choose from.

But, don’t let the cost of the job be the lone deciding factor of which company to hire. Instead, choose a painter that lives up to your expectations and budget.

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