Five Things To Consider When Planning Your Office Re-Design


Re-designing your office space can be a big financial commitment. Before you invest both time and money into the project, it’s worth asking a couple of questions to make sure you get the most out of your new space.

Unlike re-decorating a home, there are a lot of implications re-designing the office space can have. From motivating employees, to impressing clients, a good office design can positively impact your business.

While office design companies are best suited to understand exactly how the space can meet your needs, it’s important to sit down and discuss the office re-design internally before you bring in the experts. 

What do you want to get out of your re-design?

Investing in a re-design is what it says on the tin – an investment. To ensure you get a healthy ROI, you need to establish the goals and objectives for the project. Do you want your office space to encourage more collaboration? Is energy efficiency the most important factor? 

Identifying and prioritising your goals can be used to help shape the space and any office features. 

Is there enough space?

How much space you have available plays a huge part in what design will work best. Be realistic with what you can achieve in the building you have – it’s better to design an office with these restrictions in mind than have to scale down huge ideas to fit. If you have an idea or concept, a good office design company or interior designer will be creative with the space you have to create a space which works. 

What image do you want to portray?

Your office is an extension of your brand identity, so it is important that the space reflects your brand values. Office branding is a must, but also consider what other elements you can bring in to highlight your business’s values and USPs. For an alcohol company, installing an all bells and whistles bar emphasizes your area of expertise; for a pet food company, having a puppy creche for employees would be an on-brand option. 

How often do you want to change your design?

When investing in a re-design, it can be tempting to jump on the latest interior trends. Designing an office space that is both functional and aesthetic can be expensive, especially if done so regularly. Identify core elements of the office you want to be timeless before you get caught up in the latest trends, and then work with a designer to understand how you can bring in some trends without being required to switch up the interiors every season. 

What do your employees want?

A good office space should add to your employee’s health and wellbeing and make work a more enjoyable place for them to be. It’s important you understand the features they want to see before you commission a re-design, rather than spend money on things you think they want, only to find out after they are not impressed by it.

Once you have your budget and concept, it’s time to speak with the experts who can work with you to create a bespoke office space which ticks all the boxes.

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