Grow Reception Efficiency In One Effortless Step

Reception at any organization or workplace is the most busy place. It is the first place that is visible to any person entering the front door therefore a warm welcome can speak volumes about how the company will treat its customers.

Visitors entering and leaving, attending phone calls and other deliveries to manage, its no doubt receptionists often look stressed. Receptionists often need to juggle multiple responsibilities and assist the administrative staff with managing the office work flow. While many people view the role of receptionist as not so important, and this is not true. The role of the receptionist is vital for smooth running of any organisation.

Hiring a virtual and digital visitor management system plays a crucial role in the daily success of your organization. Below are some tips for a visitor management solution increase the productivity and efficiency of your reception.

1)First impressions matter:

First impressions are really about the overall initial interaction of the guest. No matter how exceptionally you design your reception area, a rough arrival with manual logbook,pen and paper intimidates your valuable guest. Visitor automation systems facilitate smooth arrivals whether the guest is expected or unexpected which leaves a mark on intruders mind. A positive experience at your reception helps to build customer loyalty, put clients at ease and create a favourable first impression.

2)Ability to assist independently:

When a guest arrives at your doorstep and registers on visitor management system’s tablet/kiosk, it allows the visitor to check-in for themselves and that too without waiting in a queue. Its high level automation works very efficiently on ease of a touch. Checking-in visitors becomes an easy task without any external help of staff involved. It is easy to navigate and assists the visitor exceptionally well because the visitor management system for offices can be customized briefly according to the need of the workplace.

3)Exceptional time management:

Visitors can be pre-registered by host and that way they can also schedule a meet for future that means all the details can be added ahead of time. It also notifies the visitor on his personal device about the scheduled appointments whereas the host can also interact through the visitor registration software. This automatically reduces the chances of any mis-conceptions and saves ample amount of time. Visitor management softwares work efficiently well when there are multiple guests to attend and saves the time wasted at registration desk and workload involved.  

4)Maintain Visitor database and safety of the workplace:

Modern visitor management solutions allows you to capture photos and print badges that easily helps to identify who is in your office building at any given time. It also gives the ability to study variety of visitors patterns and record their details securely that can be retrieved easily on your dashboard. To enhance visitor management security, visitor dashboard shows current status of all the visitors inside the premises, status of registered visitors, pre-registered visitors and many more valuable insights that never compromise your office security.

5) Better than hired receptionist:

The best visitor management systems boost productivity, providing easy to use registration process and attending every single intruder at the front door. A manual receptionist  and an ancient form of registration makes the process intimidating and boring. A digital virtual receptionist never calls in sick, is never late to perform, doesn’t take vacation or even a break for lunch.

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