3 Common Mistakes Organizations Make While Hiring


The process of hiring is an extensive task and requires a lot of time and evaluation. The induction of new employees into an organization does bring a fresh wave of new air, but it should be made sure that the attitudes and the personalities of the workers hired are in line with the culture and aims of the organization itself. While neglecting the importance of the task at hand, most organizations tend to make the mistake of hiring individuals who are not fit for the job.

The best way to go about the hiring process is to limit the occurrence of any mistakes. The most common mistakes which arise during the process are:

Being Impatient

Most organizations tend to be very impatient while hiring a new employee. The employee hired in a hurry can turn out to be an imperfect option, which leaves organizations with regret later in the day. The regret feels like having to put in years of effort and energy on the employee, to make them adjust with the norms of the work, only to realize, a year later, that they were not the perfect choice.

Hiring Alone

Small businesses or sole trader organizations are controlled by mostly one individual. The managers or owners for such businesses, tend to go into the hiring process alone. While keeping the decision making in their court is a feasible option, selecting a new employee based on just one person’s viewpoint is not the way to go about it, and can prove detrimental.

Not checking on all the C’s

The three C’s used to evaluate an individual during hiring are Character, Competency and Chemistry. All three of these hold a value of their own, and conflate together to form the perfect analyzing tool. The character and competency of an individual should not form the basis of selection, if the interested candidate lacks in the third C of chemistry. All the C’s should be given equal importance, and none of them should be neglected.

You can speed up, and limit the existence of a mistake in the hiring process by arranging a meeting with the upper hierarchy of the staff, to discuss their needs. This can be a sufficient tool for selecting the best employee, as you have the intake of people that matter for the business. You can increase the efficiency of your meeting by using solutions like www.goaskcody.com, which makes meetings even more interesting and productive.

Once an employee or a group of employees are hired, you’ll need a more integrated management system to manage the increasing scope of your organization. If you run a church, you can go to Churchdesk.com to get a management system which makes managing the church even more manageable.

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